Nikhita Raghunath
Learnings, Ramblings and Rants
A new domain and some updates
2018 was a busy year for me. I did an amazing internship, graduated, started my first full-time gig, became involved in open source more than I had ever been, travelled and made some new friends! Graduating also meant that my university-related work doubled and I had to juggle them along...
Automate display of time taken by a command
Having the need to find the time taken by a command to run from launch to finish is pretty common when you are working with computers. One handy way of accomplishing this is using the time command. The following output shows the time taken (among other things) by the command...
List of GSoC Umbrella Organizations
There was a recent email thread on the private GSoC Mentors mailing list about umbrella organizations participating in the Google Summer of Code program. I remember wondering about this as a student and thought it would be helpful to post this list for future applicants. Disclaimer Three important things to...
Google Summer of Code with Kubernetes
This post originally appeared on the CNCF website. This is a technical deep dive into my Google Summer of Code project. If you want to skip the technical details and want to read about my general experience, jump to here. My Google Summer of Code project with CNCF was to...
Installing Go from source
I wanted to contribute to the Go source (the programming language itself) but that meant I needed to have two go versions on my machine - the one I am using currently (1.8.1) and the HEAD. This is a post explaining how to achieve that. Please note that I am...